I like coffee. And I value the conversations shared over a cup.

Disclaimer: the postings on this site are my own and do not represent official Air Force positions or opinions.

A few years ago while on my first deployment, I started jotting notes down about some of the things I value, to include faith, family, and the American way of life. I realized there are so many things that I’ve enjoyed in the first three decades of my life that I figured I should probably start putting them in print because sooner or later, I’d forget the ideas and conversations I’ve had along the way.

For those who know me best, coffee is probably in my hand or in my bloodstream at any given moment. Ever since that first cup my Grandpa bought me when I was 12, I was hooked.

I encourage you all to have a cup, enjoy a chat, and maybe learn a thing or two about your friends or yourself.


For content ideas and feedback, email me at mattmattvw@gmail.com


Note: This site and its contents have no affiliation with U.S. Navy (retired) Captain Gerald “Jerry” Coffee or his site, captaincoffee.com. This American hero is a highly decorated service member who was a Prisoner of War during Vietnam. Bottom line, I’m not him. Check out his inspirational story there!